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Grace Monroe Post B3

I think Grace will get off the train when she's in her early/mid-20s, after all the kids in the Apex have gotten their exit, then she spends a bit doing some self reflection and traveling on her own (and probably grieving) for a while before she's ready to leave. She considers trying to look for Hazel and Amelia, but after going through car after car after car, she comes to decide that Hazel is likely better off without her*, and decides to leave her alone. (I'd really want Grace and Hazel to see each other again, but idk I can't really see that happening in canon)

I could either see her:

  1. Traveling with a new denizen as a blank slate (Maybe Kez! My two favorite infinity train characters interacting would be very neat.)
  2. Running into a denizen from a car the Apex raided in the past. Some may be rightfully angry with her or afraid of her and not want to help her out. Some might be willing to give her a second chance, acknowledging that she was newly coming out of old beliefs she held as a misguided child.

I'd want to explore either of those options in the future, maybe in a drabble or a full blown fic

* (this is subjective, as I'm not particularly keen on Hazel staying with Amelia given her attitude towards Hazel and kids in general. But on the other hand, Grace did end up hurting Hazel even if she was trying to do what's best for everyone. As much as I adore their relationship, I think Hazel deserves to be with someone who won't throw her under the bus to save face.)

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