
Hi there!

Welcome to oakwolves, my own personal site! This should look decent on mobile, but let me know if it isn't. This site is sfw, but bear in mind I am an adult in my early twenties.



🐺 8.16.24

Added a "Media Log" and "Projects" page. Go check out Train Chasers!

🐺 8.14.24

Added a "writing" page. All my fics are back up!

🐺 8.13.24

Added a "rambles" page. The links should be up now!

🐺 8.11.24

Added an "about site" page, updated my "about" page.

🐺 8.8.24

Added an "about" page and a page for my fanpages.

🐺 8.2.24

Added a "not found" page.

🐺 8.1.24

I created the new homepage. Hello world!

🐺 7.30.24

To no one's surprise, another overhaul is taking place. I also changed my username.

🐺 6.14.24

Added a credits page.

🐺 6.5.24

Another layout change. Hopefully this one will stick.

🐺 4.24.24

Re-uploarded all my writings and rambles! It's also my birthday today! :D

🐺 4.23.24

Fixed up my about, the not found page, and even added my media watchlist!

🐺 4.20.24

Quick layout change for the index. I want it to set the stage for my other pages!

🐺 4.19.24

New index page ft two little guys! Aren't they cute?

🐺 4.17.24

Archived my index and homepage of this site. Site overhaul is imminent.

🐺 3.28.24

Started working on some of the fanpages.

🐺 3.4.24

Minor aesthetic tweaks

🐺 3.1.24

Minor aesthetic tweaks

Added a button where you can donate E-Sims for Gaza. Check it out!

🐺 2.28.24

Time for another overhaul!

🐺 1.18.24

Added my Grace Monroe BPD analysis post.


Made some slight accessibility tweaks.

🐺 12.18.23

Another layout overhaul, wow...

🐺 12.11.23

I'm working on making my pages more responsive! Not sure what to do about the error message page...

🐺 12.7.23

Would you believe I changed the look of my website again.

🐺 11.27.23

Yet ANOTHER website overhaul.

🐺 11.26.23

Minor aesthetic changes.

🐺 11.15.23

I've added my fanpages page, and started working on my Infinity Train fanpage. I've also changed the layout of this site again! I've also added alt text to all images! LMK if something is missing!

🐺 10.10.23

I've published my rambles page. The first two "posts" are about a topic I'm deeply invested in.

🐺 10.5.23

I've started to work on my commissions page. It's not done yet, but it looks nice.

🐺 10.3.23

I've changed up the navigation sidebar a bit.

🐺 9.28.23

I've added alt text to all applicable images. I also added a few more sections to my navigation sidebar. I'm planning on moving this updates section to it's own page and replacing this section with a guestbook. I want to also move the Stats section to the sidebar. I've already got a status cafe account running and once I figure out how to embed it here, I'll probably add it to my about page. It'll probably be filled with random thoughts and stuff I have throughout the day.(Note: As of 10.5.23, I've moved this section to it's own page)

🐺 9.27.23

I...accidentally overwrote the file for my main page with the blank version I was using as a template for other pages. I fixed it though!

🐺 9.26.23

I made my About page! It's nice to meet you!

🐺 9.25.23

I made my first funtional page. Hello World!